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Future-proof your warehouse space
10 August 2020
If there was ever a time to make sure that your warehouse is working at optimum capacity and efficiency, then it’s now.
In recent years demand for storage facilities has risen due to the continued growth of E-Commerce, and the Coronavirus has had a further dramatic impact on shopping habits and therefore the warehousing sector.
Combilift’s design engineers can show how to improve the layout of a warehouse to ensure that every square foot of space is utilised with no bottlenecks in the material flow for streamlined and productive operations. It can also illustrate how reconfiguring aisle widths to work with articulated forklifts such as the Aisle Master can ensure highest levels of stock density by reducing aisle widths to eradicate “dead” areas required by other types of forklifts for manoeuvring.
As well as operating in 1.6m aisles, the Aisle Master has the highest reach of any articulated truck, up to 15 metres, so it can work within high bay racking. This allows for the growth of stock volumes and is much less disruptive and more cost effective than relocating to a new site or paying for off-site storage.
In times of required social distancing, Combilift can also offer a virtual site survey service, using in-house developed technology as well as video calling apps, which is quick and straightforward. In a call with Combilift, the site owner switches their phone to video mode to show a view of the site. They are asked to walk through the site, stopping at specific pinch points to take a screen grab of that area. Following this initial call, they may be asked to supply some further details on the measurements and dimensions of certain areas.
On the basis of this information, Combilift design engineers can supply animations and 3D designs which clearly show how a combination of the company’s layout expertise and its products such as the Aisle Masters or its multidirectional forklifts could result in a doubling of storage capacity in any given area. “We have seen a marked increase in demand for this free warehouse service,” said Combilift CEO McVicar.
“Within just 24 hours of speaking to a site owner we can produce layout designs to show the substantial benefits of future-proofing your warehouse and making the most of space - one of your most valuable commodities.”
Watch a video here: https://bit.ly/2Cd4pwi
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