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Mobile Robots to reach 2.8m shipments by 2030
09 January 2025
AS SUPPORTING technologies evolve, mobile robots are primed to break into new markets, transforming manufacturing, last-mile delivery, agriculture, and healthcare, says ABI Research.
It forecasts shipments to grow from 547,000 units in 2023 to 2.79 million by 2030, a CAGR of 24.1%. Mobile robots are most used within warehousing and logistics, but the form factor is increasingly deployed in manufacturing, last-mile delivery, agriculture, and healthcare.
Revenue generated from mobile robots is predicted to rise from US$18 billion to US$124 billion by 2030, a CAGR of 23.6%.
ABI Research robotics industry analyst George Chowdhury, explains: “Mobile robots are a very valuable category of robot which have completely transformed warehousing and logistics in recent years.
“For material handling alone, mobile robots offer enterprises transformative efficiency improvements. Driven by the evolution of supporting technologies such as Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), mobile robots can be deployed in diverse and dynamic environments, presenting new horizons to stakeholders and bringing efficiency improvements to under-automated economic sectors such as agriculture and healthcare.”
While warehousing and logistics will remain the primary adopters, other market verticals will enjoy accelerated uptake by the decade's end. Shipments catering for agriculture deployments will rise from 7,000 to 129,000 per year by 2030, a CAGR of 45%; shipments for delivery will grow from 14,000 to 147,000, a 37% CAGR; public-facing applications will also increase as the use of mobile robots within restaurants progress from 6,000 in 2023 to 78,000 shipments in 2030, a 43% CAGR. Many other industries will benefit from the decreasing costs, greater versatility, and simplified programmability that vendors are bringing to the mobile robot market.
For more information, visit www.abiresearch.com
Tomorrow's Warehouse
Mobile robotics will be a big theme at the Tomorrow's Warehouse conferences in 2025, with experts presenting and suppliers exhibiting attendees will get all the support they need to figure out mobile robotics and how to get the most out of them.
Save the dates:
May 15 - Coventry CBS Arena
Sep 30 - Manchester Old Trafford Cricket Ground
Find out more - https://tomorrowswarehouse.live/
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