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Learn how to ride the wave
20 August 2024
Southgate’s servicing offer spikes as organisations prepare for Peak.

AS PEAK season draws closer, leading operational logistics and fulfilment supplier, Southgate Global, has – once again - seen a spike in demand for its servicing offer as organisations recognise the importance of equipment readiness in order to stay ahead.
October through to January is the busiest time of the year in the logistics industry. The period marks a prime opportunity for those in e-commerce as well as retail, as sales skyrocket, with a total of £13.3 billion spent by UK consumers in 2023 on Black Friday alone.
As organisations look to capitalise on increased capacity and avoid downtime during this key period for the supply chain, Southgate has seen an increasing number of customers turn to them for specialist repairing, servicing and maintenance support.
On why preparation for peak is key, John Maher, Head of Technical Services at Southgate Global, said: “All it takes is for a single cart, trolley or strapping, wrapping or taping machine to break down and the entire process is disrupted.
“This is why a planned maintenance programme that ensures the reliability and availability of material handling and packing equipment is so important. This acts as a preventative action, to capture any malfunctions early, anticipate equipment failure, spot components that are beginning to fail and avoid any potential major disruptions to the operation and packing and delivery process.”
With over 40 technicians across the UK and Europe, servicing and repairing over 3000 machines per week, Southgate’s Technical Services offer is a major player in its repair and maintenance solutions and prides itself on its ability to keep customers fully operational.
With the specific tools and knowledge to take care of a customer’s entire inventory of packing and material handling equipment, regardless of manufacturer, Maher explained how Southgate’s servicing team are in even greater in demand in the run-up to, and during, peak season.
He said: “With every service visit we give our customers peace of mind, and that reassurance is ever more vital before entering a period of increased demand. Our specialist technicians work closely with our customers well in advance of predicted peaks to ensure they won’t be faced with equipment downtime.
“And while this preventative action is essential, unexpected equipment breakdowns can’t always be avoided. For when those moments do inevitably occur, having to hand an ‘on demand' trusted and skilled service and maintenance team can make all the difference in getting a business rapidly moving again.”
Maher explained that many customers come to them for the first time with an acute need, whilst some others who have anticipated the peak, call them in advance of equipment failure but still on an ad hoc basis. Most of those organisations that use Southgate’s ‘on demand’ service then go on to capitalise on the benefits of a planned regular maintenance programme.
Either way, a lot of customers don’t even realise that certain equipment can be repaired, most notably with carts and trolleys. By working closely with customers, in 2023 alone, Southgate repaired over 175,000 carts and trolleys, reducing capital expenditure and total cost of ownership, extending product life and, at the same time, contributing to those organisations ESG goals by repairing rather than replacing product.
While most peak planning happens months in advance, Southgate is reminding organisations that it’s not too late to get peak support and prepare for the increased capacity by ensuring vital equipment is in fully operational condition.
Maher said: “It doesn’t matter how big, or small, the equipment or machinery is, ensuring it is maintained, serviced and repaired is crucial as time is of the essence during peak. Making the investment to stay on top of this is a must and without it, you’re leaving it to chance, which also puts your customer promise at risk.”
For more support, download Southgate’s checklist on how to prepare for peak here.
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