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High velocity logistics breaking away from old notions

09 March 2015

Making his first public address as CEO of UKWA (United Kingdom Warehousing Association), Peter Ward told a prestigious reception, held at the House of Lords on 25 February that high velocity logistics is breaking away from the ‘old’ notion of warehouses, placing the sector under a new light.

Ward said UKWA must reflect this change, and posed the question: In a sector increasingly about fulfilment, is the term ‘Warehouse’ still valid?

Ward added: "The logistics sector is taken for granted. It is a little bit like the electricity supply - unfortunately people only tend to think about us when there is a power cut and the supply fails. Thankfully, due to the great people and talent in the industry, such power cuts are few and far between.”

Hosted by UKWA’s President, Lord Brabazon of Tara, the networking occasion for prominent representatives of the Logistics Sector was also joined by MPs and peers.

Ward said: "I am thrilled to be taking on this role at an exciting time for our industry, as it undergoes change at an unprecedented rate. This presents logistics with major challenges so it is of paramount importance that we engage with decision makers in both houses, as well as with some of our larger member companies and other leading players in the industry.”

Finally, turning to proposals for stringent controls to be placed on the sector, including Health and Safety based regulations, Ward urged: "We must ensure that any legislation introduced is fair and balanced.”