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DHL and Lidl UK launch longer semi trailer pilot following contract extension

30 April 2014

Following its contract extension, DHL Supply Chain is supporting supermarket chain Lidl in meeting its environmental targets by introducing a pilot for new longer semi trailers across its UK operations.

Currently delivering to 90 Lidl stores with an estimated 19,500 trips per annum, the pilot will use a longer 14.6 metre semi trailer on 50 Lidl delivery routes across the UK, while increasing Lidl’s fleet options.

The new one metre longer semi trailer will be used to transport goods that are high-volume but low weight, improving vehicle utilisation by the equivalent of a deck space over a standard drawbar combination. Predicted to reduce road miles by 16,000km per year and CO2 emissions by 14.5 tonnes, the trailer’s increased efficiency will contribute significantly to achieving Lidl’s environmental targets.

Lidl UK’s Senior Transport Consultant Michael Bell commented: "We’re delighted that the introduction of the longer semi trailer pilot to our operations is projected to not only deliver significant operational efficiencies but will support us in meeting our environmental objectives.”

Bernie Breslin, Vice President Food Retail, DHL Supply Chain added: "Our collaborative and future-focused relationship with Lidl allows us to trial the latest transport innovations. I’m confident that introducing longer semi trailers will transform Lidl’s transport operations while significantly contributing to their environmental targets.”