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Space-saving rolling rack launches

02 October 2020

Elvedi has extended its range of cantilever racks by a light rolling rack for loads of up to 6 tons.

The trolleys are pulled out vertically and do not have to be moved horizontally like heavy mobile racks on rails. Thus, the solution does not need a moving aisle. Users of the rolling rack therefore gain a significant plus in terms of net storage space. About 90% of the total space can be used, while it would only be around 50% in a conventional arrangement with aisles. They do however need space at the front for the rack to be pulled out for access.

The Elvedi rolling rack is pulled out at the frontside and moved vertically, whereas mobile racks normally have to be moved horizontally on rails. The light racking system is operated either manually or by forklift. In order to optimise the running qualities of the trolleys, they have a low overall height and can be easily moved by heavy duty rollers. Due to their elasticity, these rollers can compensate small unevenness of the floor. Guiding rails, complicated and expensive to install and maintain, are not required anymore. 

Since the space-consuming rail track is omitted, more space is available for storage. Employees can move several racks simultaneously and store or retrieve material on them. Initial use cases at window manufacturers show that thanks to Elvedi's rolling rack, about 90 percent of the available warehousing space can be used effectively, while conventional solutions only allow to use 50 percent for storage. This makes the racking system ideally suited for the high-density individual storage of long goods with a wide variety of products. 

“With our rolling rack we reduce costs in two areas: We minimise the amount of wasted space in the warehouse and maximise access times to the material,” says Elvedi sales manager Edwin Müller.

The rolling rack is modular and is constructed according to individual customer requirements. As an example, the upright and trolley load capacity are adapted to the particular use case. Also, the modular design of the racking system makes it possible to modify it quickly and easily if necessary. Nevertheless, the light rolling rack is of course not suitable for every requirement. If logisticians need to move very heavy loads of up to far over 100 tons Elvedi’s automatically movable rack system on rails, which is operated by electric motors, is suitable here. This heavy mobile racking system is available both as cantilever and pallet racking.

For more information, visit www.elvedi.com